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The Effect of Bullying on Higher Education


Those who have suffered from bullying in high school are at a higher risk to suffer academically,and ultimately this could affect their opportunities for a higher education. With most colleges requiring an average gpa of 3.0 this becomes a very difficult factor in determining a students path towards a higher education. In a study done in 2009 by it states that 7% of the students that were interviewed avoided going to school because of bullying. If the victims of bullying are not even attending school at all this lessens their chances of graduating dramatically and over all affects their academic career.


The psychological effects of bullying are long lasting. Even If a person is bullyied during early childhood their mental state may still be affected by the bullying later in life. In an article I wrote entitled "Ammo and Education"  it talks about the mental breakdown of a student and how violent behavior can exist on school grounds. If someone is constantly shuned out of the general public eventually they will break. This is a sad but all to common fact. This violence can be prevented simply by implementing anit bullying campaign's in all levels of education,and raising awareness of the serious implecations of bullying.

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